Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The kids are back!! The kids are back!! How cool is it to be a teacher and get PAID to go to school every day???

Day one, ok, technically day 1/2 is done. My classes this year are so small. It is in sharp contrast to last year. My largest is only 22 kids!! WOW!! Just the sheer lack of volume makes it seem easier already.

So far, so good. Of course, with about 24 minutes per class, it went super fast. A few tried to push the buttons but then again, without something to totally occupy them, what did I expect? I forgot to have them fill out their little first day info sheets :-( Tomorrow..

I am excited. This group seems eager to learn, eager for all life has to share with them. I am eager to be a part of their experience!

The following is something I wrote and sent home with my parent letters this year:
Prayer for My Teaching
Cossondra George

May the power of children flow through me.
May their innocence and wisdom be strong.
May their words and their actions inspire me,
Be the map that guides me along.
May their searching for truths be my reasons,
My encouragement to seek out my own.
May their questions push me to find answers,
Not cause me to impatiently groan.

May my teaching always be inspiring.
May my guidance seek out its own path.
May I strive to learn alongside them.
May I push me as much I push my students.
May I always seek out improvement
Of my way of guiding their lives.
May I never accept what is ordinary.
May I always question what’s best.

May I change as they grow alongside me,
And learn to accept them all as they come.
May my face light when they enter my classroom,
Remembering to someone they’re the one.
May our journey together be fruitful.
May teaching and learning be our habits.
May parting in June be sweet sorrow,
Be the step to what’s just beyond.
May these thoughts be my ideal as I go through the school year......

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