Friday, May 02, 2008

We never did make it outside for Shadow Rendering. Sometimes Mother Nature has other plans. First day I attempted it, the sun was darting back and forth from cloud to cloud, with no predictability at all. Then the weather turned nasty, rain, snow, cold and icky even on the sunny days.

Now I have been gone for 3 days with my husband's surgery and I know I will be out at least one more day. I hate being gone for so long but unforeseen circumstances out of my control. I just hope the kids did what I left, which was easy, very easy, math worksheets on similar triangles, looking at corresponding sides, proving similarity with ASA, SSS, and SAS principles. Had I been in school, we would have done this in a much more fun, hands on approach, but the worksheets will "work" and are "sub proof" which was what I needed. Next week, they will start an end of year project/webquest. Our textbook series(Glencoe) actually has a great set of these I have never used. I decided to not assign a particular one but allow students to choose which of them they thought looked most appealing. I am also allowing them to work with a partner. I am curious to see how things go.

In the meantime, I am sitting in motel room, tired from 3 long days at the hospital, too pooped to even worry about whether kids really worked in my absence, what kind of behavior report to expect, or even what a mess I will have to take care of when I return. It just doesn't matter.....


annkas said...

Okay...what is shadow rendering?

annkas said...

Okay...what is shadow rendering?

cossondra said...

Shadow rendering: you measure the shadow of something you can also measure height of, in this case, a student. You then measure shadow of something tall, like tree or flagpole. By setting up a proportion, you can then solve to find height of the flagpole or tree! Very cool outside, real life application of proportions. One of my favorite lessons all year. Hopefully, the weather cooperates next week!

Anonymous said...

Check out Mr. Duey's new album "Class Dis-Missed"
Rapping Teacher produced by Universal and Kaas Records!
