Wednesday, November 03, 2010

'twas a better day today.... or sort of....

The sleeper from yesterday, the one who sleeps nearly EVERY day, managed to be awake during math class, even took his quiz and got a C on it! HURRAY!!! Then, he slept through the next hour, science class. And now, last hour, my prep hour, he got kicked out of history class for being disruptive (at least he was awake?) and now, is sitting with me, working on his notes.

The other one... the I don't want to do anything but torture my sister kid.... I sat and had a long conversation with during my prep hour yesterday. Things were looking up, I thought, dared to think... But today, he was apparently screaming the F-bomb in the hall about his sister and another teacher drug him to the office. He was gone the rest of the day.

You win some, you lose some. Today was a toss-up, but it beat the heck out of yesterday.


TJ Shay said...

YAY!!! Half improvement is better than no improvement!

Velinda Dorsey said...

I know that sometimes it can be frustrating being a teacher, but isn't it wonderful and rewarding when that same student shows you that he/she has learned something from you or you see that the lightbulb goes off.

cossondra said...

Yes Velinda, that is what keeps me going :) Small successes make huge impact on a teacher's soul.